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Recuperare cont steam


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Recuperare cont steam R0Y0A
Fa-ti cont logheaza-te si posteaza ... Poti raspunde la orice subiect doresti cu contul tau official !
Vrei sa dezbati, ai o problema poti deschide un topic nou !

Recuperare cont steam 555015_476819839039988_1523718949_n
Recuperare cont steam Befunk11


Membru mediu
Membru mediu
Un prieten de-al meu si-a pierdutc contul Steam,uitati ce a facut pentru a-l recupera :
A intrat : [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
In 2 zile mi-am primit contul inapoi.

Si a facut o cerere astfel :

1 « Message by you on Sun, 6th Jun 2010 11:54 am »
I was a victim of phising from this location: [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

The Account was bought about 3 years ago, I no longer have any proof of purchase unfortunately.
Obviously you can verify my email address but I do not know if that will be enough.
I can't remember the answer to the security question, since it was set at the time I purchased the account.

If there is any way to recover the account please let me know.
if you at the HelpDesk have access to the answers to the security
questions, I would appreciate even the first letter from the answer. I
am sure I will know the rest if I know the first letter.
Hopefully you can help.
Sergiu Topor
Also a Help Desk Employee, at another company

2 « Message by you on Sun, 6th Jun 2010 12:06 pm »
The Hijacking happened at Sunday 6/6/2010 at aprox. 6:30pm GMT
I received by email 2 notifications that my password was changed. The notifications were simultaneous,
both at 6:31pm GMT, so I am thinking they use some sort of automated system.
3 « Message by you on Sun, 6th Jun 2010 12:31 pm »
If it helps in any way, this is what I played with for the last few months. (in-game nick and IP)

Name Used sCanDaL^ (inlocuiti cu steamul vostru)
STEAM_0:0:15955958 (puneti steamul vostru)
IP Used (puneti ip-ul vostru)

4 « Message by Ronnie on Mon, 7th Jun 2010 12:37 pm »
Hello Sergiu Topor,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

What Steam account are you referring to?
5 « Message by you on Mon, 7th Jun 2010 12:46 pm »
the steam account in question is "gushterik"

already created another one,and purchased CS 1.6 on it, but still I
would like to know if it is possible to recover the old one, just for
the sake of the contacts/friends I had.

Atentie pe Steam Support Tb sa va faceti cont intai. Contul este separat si nu are nici o legatura cu cel de steam.
Dupa ce faceti cont, aveti in stanga sus optiunea "Ask a question"
mai aveti detaliile de cumparare procesul va fi si mai rapid. Exemplu:
Licenta primita cand a-ti folosit-o sa activati produsul pe Steam.

Tutorialul nu este facut de mine,l-am pus aici in speranta ca v-a ajuta,deoarece multi si-au pierdut steam-ul.
a fost facut de un prieten de al meu care si-a pierdut si el steamul si
a procedat exact asa si in 2 zile si l-a recuperat

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