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Mareste cu 20% viteza de download (Network Bandwidth) in Windows XP


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 Mareste cu 20% viteza de download (Network Bandwidth) in Windows XP R0Y0A
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 Mareste cu 20% viteza de download (Network Bandwidth) in Windows XP 555015_476819839039988_1523718949_n
 Mareste cu 20% viteza de download (Network Bandwidth) in Windows XP Befunk11

Andrew DDP

Andrew DDP
Membru fidel
Membru fidel
Stealth Settings : "Mareste cu 20% viteza de download (Network Bandwidth) in Windows XP"

Putini dintre dvs. stiu ca Microsoft a rezervat pentru sistemul de operare Windows XP, o banda de Internet (bandwidth) de 20%, pentru anumite servicii ale sistemului. Windows Update, System Error Report, etc servicii gen.
Folosind o mica setare de system, in Group Policy, putem aloca mai putina banda de Internet pentru aceste servicii.

In primul rand, trebuie sa deschidem XP Group Policy Editor.

Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc -> OK sau Enter.

In Group Policy, mergem in meniul din partea stanga la Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QOS Packet Scheduler. Selectam QOS Packet Scheduler, iar panoul din partea dreapta cautam: Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
Dublu-click pentru a deschide Limit Reservable Bandwidth, apoi bifam casuta din dreptul "Enable", pentru a ne permite sa setam cat la suta din banda de Internet dorim sa o rezervam serviciilor de sistem.

By default, aceasta limita este setata la 20%, dar putem aloca 0% pentru a beneficia de toata viteza de download.
Limit Reservable Bandwidth – Explain :
Determines the percentage of connection bandwidth that the system
can reserve. This value limits the combined bandwidth reservations of
all programs running on the system. By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default. If you enable this setting, you can use the "Bandwidth limit"
box to adjust the amount of bandwidth the system can reserve. If you
disable this setting or do not configure it, the system uses the
default value of 20 percent of the connection.

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